As a producer or host, it's your job to make your Crypto Email List guests feel comfortable, and it 's your job to make sure the final episode is great . If you Crypto Email List don't like the answers or episodes, it's your responsibility, not the guest's responsibility (thus, both pre-production research and post-production editing are important). Thanks to the guests for spending time with me, and after a small (unforced) story, I'll do three things.
First, repeat the PDF memo you sent to explain the show. Specifically, we'll show you how to pause your thoughts and redo your answers, depending on Crypto Email List the style of your show. It reassures them. Second, I let them identify themselves, so I Crypto Email List record that quote.
Third, I ask all guests the same question: "Do you Crypto Email List have pets?" Even if I later removed this question, I found that people were Crypto Email List relaxing, laughing, laughing and starting to praise their favorite pets. (If they don't have, I'll ask why, and if they've ever or will do so.) You can actually hear someone laughing on the podcast. Interview the guest.
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