How to Learn Programming in Java with Anshuman Sharma's Book
Java is one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world. It can be used to create applications for desktop, web, mobile, and embedded devices. Java is also an object-oriented language, which means it allows you to design your code using classes, objects, methods, and inheritance.
If you want to learn programming in Java, you might be interested in a book called Learn Programming in Java by Anshuman Sharma. This book is a comprehensive guide that covers the basics and advanced topics of Java programming. It includes diagrammatic and theoretical representation of concepts that help to explore the full potential of Java. The summary at the end of each chapter helps to clear the basics. Solved programming examples along with their explanation make the learning look simple and interesting[^1^].
In this article, we will give you an overview of what you can learn from this book and how you can download it as a PDF file.
Learn Programming In Java By Anshuman Sharma Pdf Download
What You Can Learn from Learn Programming in Java by Anshuman Sharma
The book Learn Programming in Java by Anshuman Sharma is divided into 21 chapters that cover the following topics:
Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming: This chapter introduces you to the basic concepts and principles of object-oriented programming, such as abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance.
Introduction to Java: This chapter gives you an overview of the history, features, advantages, and applications of Java. It also explains how to install and configure Java on your system.
Preparing and running a Java program: This chapter teaches you how to write, compile, and execute a simple Java program using an editor and a command prompt. It also shows you how to use an integrated development environment (IDE) such as Eclipse or NetBeans.
Java Fundamentals: This chapter covers the basic elements of Java syntax, such as keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, expressions, statements, and comments. It also introduces you to the data types, variables, constants, and type conversion in Java.
Control Structures: This chapter explains how to use various control structures in Java, such as if-else, switch-case, for loop, while loop, do-while loop, break, continue, and return statements. It also demonstrates how to use nested and labeled loops.
Classes, Objects, and Methods: This chapter explores the core concepts of object-oriented programming in Java. It shows you how to define classes and create objects using constructors. It also teaches you how to declare and invoke methods using parameters and return values. It also discusses the concepts of static members, this keyword, method overloading, and recursion.
Arrays and Strings: This chapter deals with two important data structures in Java: arrays and strings. It shows you how to declare, initialize, access, and manipulate one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays. It also explains how to use various methods and classes related to strings, such as String class, StringBuffer class, StringBuilder class,